Monday, July 1, 2013

Make-it Monday: Aborted Painting Project and an Alternate Video

This past week was a whirlwind for me, between a work conference and business trip to Ohio. I immediately followed that up with a weekend of backpacking in the mountains outside Seattle. Before the camping trip I attempted to start painting the first of my Bones minis, but we are in the middle of a heat wave here in Seattle. With no AC in the house, The 90 degree temps in my craft space made it difficult to even get past a base coat. The paints for the minis were drying almost as soon as they hit the pallette.

Working towards a wrought iron candelabra with a rather sloppy base coat.
Don't worry, once the heat subsides, I'll tackle this again and it'll clean up nicely.

With the painting project unfinishable for the moment, I decided to change plans for my Make-it Monday project this week and instead worked up a contraption demonstration video for Minecraft. The video demonstrates a red stone device I worked up that can detect when an item dropper is full or empty and automatically turn on or off accordingly.

If you're not a Minecraft player, the video likely wont make any sense, so here's a picture of some deer we ran across during the hike to our campsite.

If you look close, you can see two of at least four juveniles accompanying the doe.
They're on the hill to the left.
Oh, and here are a couple views from our campsite. I love where I live!


  1. Color me jealous! If you didn't backpack and play fantasy I'd say you don't deserve it.
