Thursday, April 4, 2013

D is for Dragon's Den

I worked up a mountainside cavern home of a red dragon for this map. I found it very challenging to create a lava flow that was distinguishable from a regular river. I'm not completely satisfied with the result of the lava. I suppose it would help if I added color.


I also feel like I should give a shout out to one of my favorite D-named bloggers, Dyson Logos of Dyson's Dodecahedron. Dyson is a prolific mapper and one of my direct inspirations. His simple style has been mimicked by numerous other fantasy mappers around the web, and I had to make a conscious effort to differentiate my own maps in some way. I made a conscious choice to use gray pens to shade my maps, rather than copying Dyson's distinctive cross-hatches. If you are enjoying my maps so far, I highly recommend you check out Dyson's stuff. You wont be disappointed... just please come back here too.

Get a printable version here.


  1. Beautiful!

    Keep smiling,

  2. Dragons are very popular today!

    I know EXACTLY where I want to use this. Part of my years long campaign finale. This will be Tiamat's earthly lair.

    1. I think if your gonna fit Tiamat in there, you'll probably want to double the scale to 1 square = 10 feet.

  3. Ooooooooooo..... niiiiiiice. Say, I like your blog. It reeks of all things lush and inviting (in a cave-y, dragon-y sort of way). :-)

  4. I, like always, am utterly amazed by your work. If I ever need a map done for a book, you'll be the one I'll be calling.

    1. Wow! Thank you very much! That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside in a non-stinky kind of way.

  5. I could see this as a young dragons lair, a new treasure hoard in the corner and a very self satisfied dragon grinning as he caresses his treasures!

  6. It's a lovely little map. Adding colour would probably take away from the charm of it though. I think it looks fine as it is :)

    Keep Calm and A-Z
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  7. That was one amazing den!!

