Tuesday, April 2, 2013

B is for Barracks

My B map is a military or guard barracks complex. The topmost building is the mess hall. Just below that to the right is the unit armorer. The smaller square buildings are all the bunkhouses and the c-shaped building in the lower left is the stable. Drawing this map made me realize that drawing human statues from above is really challenging. Also, it is really difficult to make a regimented military compound look interesting.

I got some questions about permissions for using my maps. I am totally fine with people downloading and printing the files for their own games or personal use. If you wish to display the map online on your own site, I ask that you please credit Geoff, or my handle, Sporkchop and link back to ROFLInitiative.com. If you want to use a map for anything considered commercial (e.g. in a publication for sale) let me know. I am willing to negotiate.

Get a print-optimized version here.


  1. So you draw these yourself?
    Fantastic work.
    I'm really hoping I is for Ireland... :)

    1. Hey thanks! I do draw them myself, though it requires quite a bit of post-production in Photoshop. I may include some stuff on my process later on in the month.

  2. Replies
    1. Hey thanks! I stopped by your Keep Calm site and love the theme! I just haven't thought of anything clever to say.

  3. Very cool! By April 30 you could have your own mega-dungeon.

    Keep up the great posts!

    The Other Side
    Red Sonja: She-devil with a Sword

  4. A-Z maps? I just found the jackpot! Thanks!

  5. Wooo, looks cool! Cheers for A to Z! :)

  6. Pretty neat. I can just see an ambush happening here...mwa ha ha!!

  7. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your maps.

    Stuart at www.lloydofgamebooks.com

  8. Nice map. I love the bird's eye view of the statue. Looks pretty cool. :)

  9. I never did more than just graph stuff...

  10. You are way better at drawing a map from above than I am. I have a picture that will never see the light of the internet, which is a map of the town in my novel. I needed a reference point for things going on. It was a terrible attempt at a town. But it works for what I need it for, so I shouldn't beat myself up.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. It's all about finding a mapping style that suits you. I have to remind myself that maps are meant to convey information, not necessarily to be pretty pictures. When you start with the function of the map, the prettiness often follows.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Nice job Geoff. Loving the maps!

