Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas! DM Roll-up

Merry Christmas everyone! For the past couple of years, the Wife and I have been making each other our "big" Christmas gifts as a way to inject some creativity and add a personal touch to the giving season. This year, I asked my wife for a game kit roll-up similar to the ones made by All Rolled Up. Even though I knew what she was making for me, I was totally blown away when I actually opened her gift on Christmas morning. The amount of care and thought that went into the roll-up she made was incredible, and the end product is both perfectly suited to my gaming needs, and absolutely gorgeous.

Here are some photos of the kit she gave to me.

The kit is made of faux leather, with an exterior slot for holding a game book, and a strap to keep everything nicely bundled.

The kit is lined with a gorgeous blue old world map print. The contrast with the rich brown exterior is really pretty.
The interior pockets all Velcro shut, and hold everything I need to run a game.

One end has a long pouch for dice and/or minis, and a row of smaller pouches that could also hold dice, minis, or initiative cards.

The other end has pockets for pens, pencils and markers, a couple medium sized pockets for note cards, post-its, or Game Mastery decks. The big pocket is perfect for a GM notebook, or even character sheets.
I am ridiculously overjoyed at the love and attention that went into this kit, and look forward to rolling it out at the gaming table soon.

I hope you all had wonderful holidays if and however you choose to celebrate them. If you do not celebrate this time of year, I hope you had a wonderful December and look forward to a happy new year!

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