Friday, March 29, 2013

5 Years! 250 Posts!

Hey folks, this final post of mine before the 2013 April A to Z is my 250th post to this here little blog! By most standards, this blog is pretty darn small. I have 66 known followers, and just about 50,000 pageviews over the blogs entire 5 year history, but it's mine and I really enjoy my little corner of the internet.

Today also happens to be the 5th anniversary of the day I met my wife-to-be! I never thought I would ever meet such a perfect partner in geekdom. Our first real date was to an anime convention. We're having an Lego-themed wedding. We regularly sing songs to and about our cat... like, out loud and stuff. Yet, when out in public, we are both perfectly capable of maintaining a pleasant and not at all bizarre public countenance. We've been through good times and bad and have always been there for each other. I love you baby, this 250th post is for you!

See, perfectly normal! We like sports and stuff!
The love of my life... ROWR!

This 250th post is also about the shenanigans we have planned for this weekend. What are they you ask? Holy Zombie Carpenter day!? No... well, yes, but before that it's TableTop Day! This Saturday, we are having a bunch of friends over to our place to play board games as part of the first ever International TableTop Day!

If you have the chance, I strongly encourage you to get together with friends, family, or complete strangers this Saturday to play games in celebration of play itself!


  1. Congratulations on both accounts! I managed to find the perfect geek partner as well.

  2. AWWWWW!!! I love you so much sweetie! Thank you for dedicating this post to me :) I am indescribably happy to also have found my partner in geekdom. You're my man, my DM, my duet partner (in karaoke and in nonsense songs to the cat), you're my hobbit, my Mr. Smarty-Pants, my solace, my best friend, my swoon-inducing dimpled cutie, my partner in crime, my adventure co-pilot. You're the sweetest, most kind-hearted, most caring man I've ever met. You make me feel lucky every day! :D XOXO!

  3. Congrats on your 250th post and on finding your soulmate.
